Become a Facilitator
Boundless Compassion Facilitators (BCF’s) nurture the life, growth and development of this program. Having experienced the Four-Day Boundless Compassion Retreat and dedicating themselves to compassionate living, these individuals feel called, each in their own way, to become a certified BCF and bring the resources of the program to their lives and communities.
Qualities of a Mentor of Compassion
acquainted with suffering from personal and other life experiences
able to empathize with another
listens generously and open-heartedly
appreciates diversity; attentive to being non-judgmental
avoids the desire to control or change the other
values interconnectedness with all of life
waits patiently for the “lessons of life” to unfold
practices compassion toward self in body, mind and spirit
embodies a spirit of hope and resiliency
actively involved in one’s own growth needs
willingness to facilitate others in strengthening their compassion
able to laugh at life’s absurdities and to lighten up
continues to deepen and expand an understanding of compassion
mindful of expectations of self and others
maintains serenity by faithfulness to a spiritual practice
able to discern one's inner values and respects those with differing views
2023 Facilitator Training Workshops
Participants of facilitator training workshops are required to attend a four day Boundless Compassion Retreat. Usually this retreat precedes the training workshop. The facilitator training provides a practical application of the core components of Boundless Compassion. Participants are guided in how to lead events that are based on these aspects. The workshop encourages participants in how to use their individual talents and experiences to bring Boundless Compassion to others.
The workshop offers the opportunity to become a certified facilitator of the program. For those interested in becoming a facilitator, apply for an application form from: Bobbi Bussan, OSB, bbussan@boundlesscompassion.org Once approval has been given for participation in the workshop, the applicant then registers for the event at the training workshop of one’s choice. (Remember the Boundless Compassion Four Day Retreat attendance is required before participating in the training workshop.)
Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center
Facilitated by: Mary Dean Pfahler, SND
More information coming soon.
Aware of life’s challenges and desiring to relieve suffering with mindfulness and lovingkindness, BCF’s bring a variety of gifts and skills to their communities.
Those who have attended a Four-Day Boundless Compassion on-site Retreat can complete an application and send it for review. Those who are accepted into the one-day training delve into the history, mission, structure, and teachings of Boundless Compassion. They also explore a variety of ways to use their individual talents and experiences to incorporate the Boundless Compassion program into their unique spheres of influence. Finally, newly trained facilitators discover the opportunities for ongoing support and assistance that come with being a certified Boundless Compassion facilitator.
The encouragement and compassionate presence of this community are benefits that certified Boundless Compassion facilitators cherish. Along with these benefits, there are several requirements. These requirements include attending a BCF small group gathering that meets quarterly via Zoom and completing an annual self-evaluation form to discuss one way that Boundless Compassion was facilitated in the previous year.
Since facilitator certification began in 2017, over 100 women and men have completed the training. These facilitators were trained and equipped to lead programs such as:
Four Day Retreats
Circles of Compassion
Book Studies
Weekend Workshops
Evenings of Six Sessions
In addition, many new programs have grown from Boundless Compassion based upon the unique gifts and interests of each BCF. Below are a just a few of the innovative events recently developed and led by BCF’s:
Four Seeds of Compassion by Enneagram Type
Yoga Self-Compassion Retreat
Course on Boundless Compassion at Methodist College of Nursing
Self-Compassion Workshop for Bank Employees
Compassion Workshop for Food Pantry Volunteers
Boundless Compassion Program for Offutt Air Force Personnel
If you have attended a Four-Day Retreat and are interested in becoming a certified Boundless Compassion facilitator, please contact Sr. Bobbi Bussan for information on how to apply for an upcoming training workshop.