History and Mission
Our Vision
With compassion at the center of our lived experience, we approach one another with true respect, grow in an ability to lessen suffering, and are intentional about encouraging others to live compassionately.
Our Mission
Compassion is an essential component in the transformation of a society seeking peace and harmony. Although an innate quality, compassion needs nurturing and development for fuller expression. The Boundless Compassion Program seeks to inspire and encourage compassion in one’s lived experience. It intends to create a community of people committed to living and bringing compassion into personal life, community, and the world. With compassion at the center of our lived experience, we approach one another with true respect, grow in an ability to lessen suffering, and are intentional about encouraging others to live compassionately.
Beginnings and Beyond
Explored the possibility of teaching others about compassion, based on Christian principles and values from other spiritual traditions.
Created the Institute of Compassionate Presence (Joyce Rupp, OSM and Margaret Stratman, OSM) after consulting with medical personnel, therapists, social workers, and others in compassion-related professions.
Offered the Institute as a nine-month series, one Saturday each month in Omaha, NE
Created a Four Day structure instead of the 9-month approach. This was gradually expanded beyond Omaha and offered in the USA, UK, and Canada.
Moved from an Institute and Conference model to a Retreat with a focus on integration of the main principles of Boundless Compassion. Renamed the Institute as the program of Boundless Compassion.
Gathered the essentials of the program into two publications, Boundless Compassion and Prayers of Boundless Compassion, published in 2018.
Began formation of qualified Boundless Compassion Facilitators (BCF’s) to share the program through their participation in the Four Day retreat followed by the Facilitator Workshop.
Established a Core Team of seven from across the USA to assist the BC Director. Created BCF Groups to aid communication with certified facilitators.
Began meeting with Boundless Compassion facilitator (BCF) groups via Zoom.
Wendy Mospan and S. Bobbi Busan, OSB began as Co-Directors of Boundless Compassion.
S. Bobbi Bussan, OSB appointed Executive Director.