Upcoming Events
Discover a variety of upcoming events and retreats being led by certified Boundless Compassion Facilitators. Browse the Events Calendar, then follow the links for information and registration.
BC Facilitators are located throughout the United States and available to provide opportunities for your organization, church, school or center.
For information about scheduling a Compassion Retreat or connecting with a BC Facilitator in your area contact Bobbi Bussan, OSB at bbussan@boundlesscompassion.org or 309-912-2218

Four-Day Retreat and Training - Rock Island, IL
Nov. 8-12; Training Nov. 13, 2024
Benet House Retreat Center in Rock Island, IL
Facilitators: Lorene Knobbe & Sue Carter
Contact: lknobbe@smmsisters.org

Four-Day Retreat and Training - Malvern, PA
September 26-October 1, 2024
IHM Spirituality Center
210 IHM Drive
Malvern, PA 19355
Facilitators: Joan Doherty and S. Meg Cole, SSJ. Peg Choinski, BCF will be available to provide spiritual direction.
Contact: joanmdoherty16@gmail.com

Cultivating Compassion in Our Daily Lives
Do you ever wish the world would stop long enough for you to catch your breath? Hit the Pause Button and gift yourself with time and space to nourish and refresh your Spirit in a kind and supported environment surrounded by the beauty of nature. We will explore compassion as a necessary part of nurturing emotional resilience to meet the challenges of our daily lives. Come away and ground yourself with experiential compassion practices, personal reflection, and small group dialogue in sacred community with the Holy One.
$163.43 (Single)
$154.75 (Double)

Four-Day Retreat and Training - Dubuque, IA
July 21-24; Training July 25, 2024
Shalom Retreat Center in Dubuque, IA
Facilitators: Sue Carter & Betty Bentley
Contact: Sue Carter at suzc121754@gmail.com

Four-Day Retreat and Training - LaGrange, IL
July 14 – 18; Training July 19, 2024
The Well Spirituality Center in LaGrange, IL
Sunday, 7:00 p.m. – Thursday, 4:00 p.m
Facilitator: Sr. Mary Dean Pfahler
For information and registration click on BC Retreat & BC Training

A Heart of Compassion
“As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience…and over all these virtues, put on love.” -Colossians 3:12, 14
Please join us for a journey into the heart of compassion. This weekend retreat will explore various aspects of compassion based on the book by S. Joyce Rupp, Boundless Compassion. If you are looking to come away to be refreshed and for a gentle experience of the topic of compassion for self and others, please join us.
The retreat will be led by Joan Doherty and S. Meg Cole, both trained Boundless Compassion Facilitators. There will be opportunities for individual spiritual direction with Peg Choinski, also a Boundless Compassion Facilitator.
For registration and more information: Retreats – St. Francis Retreat House Easton PA (stfrancisretreathouse.org)

Spring Labyrinth Day of Reflection
"If you want to fly ...Give up everything that weighs you down! ~Buddha
The Labyrinth Walk Day will "awaken" a deeper understanding of Self-Care & Compassion
by offering lessons from the returning "Feathered Ones” of Spring.
Included: Guidance for Walking the Labyrinth, Handouts, Personal Prayer, Reflective time
and a Creative Process.
Location: Troubadour Room / Juniper Court
3209 S. Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235
Retreat Guide: Sr. Stella DeVenuta, OSF
Time: 9:30 AM - 4:15 PM
ALL are Welcome!
Register by April 15, 2024
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/36sEvKPDhNj7HtnX7
Self Sliding Stipend Fee-$80-125
Submit stipends via Zelle, Venmo, Check
Full Details: https://stelladevenutaosf.com/spring-and-fall-labyrinth-days/
Lunch and Beverages Provided
Participants will be assigned a snack or food item to share.
Questions contact: stellaosf@lakeosfs.org
Sr. Stella is a Trained Spiritual Director, Retreat Guide and Boundless Compassion Facilitator

Cradled in Creation, Cultivating a Reciprocal Compassion
Come for a day experiencing and contemplating the ways creation compassionately coaxes and calls us into new life. Come ponder the ways we may be called to reciprocate that same compassion shown to us, out toward the rest of creation.

Walking the Spiritual Path of Compassion
Compassion is a tender yet powerful capacity to respond to suffering with open-hearted connection and resilience. Keeping your balance while reaching out is a spiritual practice that can ground you in your inner Self and connect you with the world around you. Take some time to integrate your spiritual journey with compassion, increase your self-care, and practice compassion with growing discernment, freedom, and wisdom. Come encounter a sacred practice to help sustain and empower you in today’s changing world.
Facilitated by Wendy Mospan and Mary Dean Pfahler.
For more information or to register, contact Wendy Mospan or Mary Dean Pfahler

Cultivating Compassion at the Core of our Lived Experience: A Boundless Compassion Retreat
How do we make compassionate presence a part of our lives? It begins with giving ourselves time; time to reflect, time to become aware of the light of Divinity in ourselves, in others, and in every part of creation. This retreat will be experiential, with meditations, physical movement, and discussion. Come and explore God’s invitation to boundless compassion opening our minds and hearts.

4-Day Retreat + Facilitator Training
Compassion can change a heart, change a life, change a world. This retreat is open to people of all faiths and spiritualities. The retreat explores the depth of the many layered components of compassion, the central quality of the life and teachings of Jesus. You are invited to expand and deepen your understanding of compassion from both a personal and professional perspective. You will glean insights for many dimensions including theology, spirituality, science, sociology, and psychology. Experience this retreat as a catalyst for a renewed commitment in being a compassionate presence, both to yourself and to others who are amid pain and struggle.
The retreat includes presentations, media, resources, communal prayer, small group dialog, and extended quiet times for reflection. Suggestions for prayer and meditation are given each day. This retreat is open to people from all faiths and traditions.
Participants of this event are required to attend the four-day Boundless Compassion retreat that precedes the training workshop or another 4-day Signature BC Retreat. This workshop involves practical application of the program and assists participants in how to use their individual talents and experiences to bring the Boundless Compassion core foundational teachings into their sphere of life. The workshop offers the opportunity to become a certified facilitator of the program. Along with the requirement of full attendance at the four-day retreat, each participant of the workshop must request an application form to be completed before being accepted into the training workshop.

Listening as Sanctuary
Held each Wednesday via Zoom
You are invited to join us for a highly interactive, experiential and inspiring introductory workshop on Listening as Sanctuary, as practice that offer concrete skills for engaging with people we don’t agree with and for supporting people in our lives who may have experienced trauma.

Enneagram and the 4 Seed of Compassion
The aim of this retreat is to help you gain an awareness of how your Enneagram type in times of security and stress elicit type-flavored responses that attend to inner movements that lead toward or away from compassionate presence and action.

"Compassion Is My True Self" Weekend Retreat
"Change is possible when I see the spark of the divine within self and others."
That spark, described by spiritual guide and author Joyce Rupp in her book "Boundless Compassion: Creating a Way of Life" is inspiring people to discover and deepen the role of compassion in their lives and communities.

Facilitator Training Workshop
Facilitated by: Mary Dean Pfhaler, ND
Pre-requirement: March 1-4 Boundless Compassion Retreat
Learn more at boundlesscompassion.org/become-a-bcf
Registration / Information: Bobbi Bussan, OSB bbussan@boundlesscompassion.org

Boundless Compassion Retreat: Making Compassion a Way of Life
During this retreat, participants will learn practical skills and grow in trust as they discern their unique path toward compassionate living. We will have the opportunity to explore the many layered components of compassion based on the teachings of Christianity and other religious traditions.

Four-Day Retreat: A Signature Boundless Compassion Event
Offering quiet reflection time and small group dialogue, this four-day retreat serves as a catalyst for a renewed commitment to becoming a compassionate presence. Experience this opportunity to deepen and expand the capacity for compassion in your life and in your community.
Led Mary Dean Pfahler SND
For information or to register, contact Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center

Spirituality of Dreams
Virtual and In-Person Options Meeting Throughout July and August
Have you ever wondered what your dreams mean? Did you know that when you learn about your dreams you can grow spiritually? personally? Dreams have been shared and explored throughout history in many cultures and faith groups.

5-Day Guided Retreat: Growing in Self-Compassion
It is important for everyone to nourish self-care. This guided retreat provides a time to ‘leave the crowd’ and pay attention to the Divine within you. A time to be compassionate to yourself. Each day will start with a meditation on self-compassion. The remainder of the day is for you to nourish yourself in the quiet, through prayer and reflection, a walk in the woods, perhaps do a little painting or rest. There is an opportunity for spiritual direction. Lauds and Vespers with the Sisters is also an option.

Pearls of Wisdom: Boundless Compassion SelfCare for Healthcare Workers
Healthcare professionals need to disconnect, in order to reconnect with body, emotion, knowledge, and spirit. Is there a part of you that yearns to be “good enough” or “smart enough” or just plain “enough”? Do you sometimes feel disconnected from your own inner goodness and beauty? Learning to “feel” your helplessness is a start. Learn the Four Pearls of Wisdom that inspire deep soul searching and allow you to experience:
—Nonjudgment with yourself
—Nonviolence toward yourself
—Forgiveness toward yourself and others
—Greater mindfulness
Leann Thrapp, RN. MA, CHCPA will help caregivers reconnect to body, emotion, knowledge, and spirit using
—Insights from theology, spirituality, sociology, and psychology
—Quiet reflection time and small group dialogue
—Four days devoted to renewal and deepening compassion for self and others
Facilitated by Leann Thrapp, RN, MA, CHPCA from Sun City West, AZ. Leann is a consultant, speaker, and end-of-life doula with experience in grief counseling and hospice care. She specializes in compassion and self-compassion as a way of life.
For more information or to register, contact Leann at NewHaven Healing Center: 480-773-4224

Listening as Sanctuary: Introduction to Compassionate Listening as Contemplative Practice
You are invited to join us for a highly interactive, experiential and inspiring introductory workshop on Listening as Sanctuary, as practice that offer concrete skills for engaging with people we don’t agree with and for supporting people in our lives who may have experienced truama.
In this course, we will:
Explore this profound model for conflict transformation,
Be grounded in Christian contemplative practice as a foundational support for listening
Discover compassion as an essential form of attentiveness for this time
Practice core self-compassion and compassionate listening skills, and
Learn how each of us has the capacity to contribute to a more compassionate world simply by listening with an open heart.
The course will be held once a week for 6 - 2.5 hr sessions via Zoom. It will be held: Wednesday Jan 11 – Feb 15, 8 am – 10:30 PST
The instructor is Kathleen Coyne, a Christian meditator who has studied and worked for many years in community development and social justice across Western Canada, researching, facilitating, teaching and learning with and about community and social justice.
For more information and to register, please email: Kathleen Coyne
Price: Sliding scale of $0 - $150 for course. To pay online, visit boundlesscompassion.org/donate and enter "Compassionate Listening class" in the note section. Proceeds will benefit Boundless Compassion.

Unique Opportunities
A variety of possible programs related to Boundless Compassion themes can be scheduled.
Four Seeds of Compassion Flavored by Enneagram Type
In four sessions, we will explore feelings that arise when your Enneagram type’s Essential Qualities and Virtue generate energetic movements that open your heart bringing about responses of compassionate presence and action. We will also explore feelings that arise from employing type-based patterns and strategies that maintain your type’s motivation which closes the heart generating energetic movements that bring about responds that lack compassionate presence and action. The aim is to learn how to shift energy through awareness to open your heart in order to respond with compassionate presence and action.
The Enneagram is a powerful spiritual and personal development tool that represents 9 strategies (types) for understanding yourself, others, and the world. Its focus on what motivates you to think, feel and respond the way you do makes it unique. Understanding your and others' motivations heightens trust and develops positive relationships. The Enneagram provides a path to Wholeness. It is the journey of unraveling who you were created to be.
The 4 Seeds of Compassion are attributes that when attention is focused on sprout in hearts the kind of love that motivated Jesus to live a life of loving kindness. In living a life of loving kindness, Jesus not only modeled what it means to be truly human, but he entrained the hearts of those who followed him to live a truly human life of loving kindness as well.
Facilitator Julie Honsey is a BCF and a certified coach in the Enneagram Narration Tradition.
Boundless Compassion Book Study
Group gatherings enrich the experience of reading Boundless Compassion: Creating a Way of Life by Joyce Rupp, as group members benefit from one another’s insights and share in a common cause. Participants are asked to set aside time to read and reflect on each day’s content. Six weekly gatherings correspond with the six themes in the book: Compassion as a Way of Life, Welcoming Ourselves, The River of Suffering, From Hostility to Hospitality, A Thousand Unbreakable Links, and Becoming a Compassionate Presence. At weekly gatherings, group members discuss the Day 7 questions for each theme.