Core Team
Core Team members bring vision, experience, and a commitment to furthering the mission of Boundless Compassion. The Core Team seeks to develop retreats, educational opportunities, written materials, and other resources that inspire people and train facilitators to strengthen compassion in their lives and communities.
Bobbi Bussan
Executive Director
Bobbi is a Benedictine Sister who serves as director of Benet House Retreat Center at St. Mary Monastery, in Rock Island, Il. Bobbi offers a variety of compassion-based book studies, retreats, and programs at Benet House as part of her passion to make Benet House a thriving center for compassion. Currently, six Boundless Compassion facilitators are associated with Benet House and work with her to develop and lead Boundless Compassion retreats in a variety of settings. Being involved in Boundless Compassion provides a spiritual energy that just grows as she offers retreats and joins with others wanting to grow in being a compassionate presence in our world. To learn more about compassion programs offered at Benet House, visit www.smmsisters.org/retreats
Stella DeVenuta
Stella DeVenuta is a Sister of St. Francis of Assisi, Milwaukee, WI, Visual Artist, Spiritual Director, Retreat and Creative Process Facilitator. She founded the Soul Circle (2009) a multi-faith “spirit-based” women’s group. Her spiritual guidance practice offers individuals space for personal growth and spiritual introspection. Inspired and motivated by the transformative effect that Boundless Compassion has on self, others and all of creation, Stella is committed to creatively include compassion practices into her ministry and all that she designs. Learn more and contact Stella at stelladevenutaosf.com
Ken Larson
Ken Larson is a spiritual director, trainer, and board member with Christian Formation & Direction Ministries – Nevada; a Stephen Minister at Community Lutheran Church in Las Vegas; and a spiritual director with the Community Lutheran Church Center for Spiritual Formation. Ken created and facilitates “Invitation to Go Deeper,” a monthly ecumenical contemplative experience that attracts a broad spectrum of spiritual seekers. His interest in finding common ground among all spiritual traditions is realized through his participation with the Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada. In seeking to be and to reflect a more compassionate presence in all his communities, Ken has found that learning and sharing Boundless Compassion principles enhances his compassion for self, others, and all creation. He lives with his wife in Henderson, NV, and can be contacted at khlarsonsd@gmail.com
Michelle Mehan
Michelle is an ordained Deacon with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA. She received her theological training at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. She is a Board Certified Chaplain. Michelle works as a Palliative Care Chaplin with BayCare Health Systems. In addition to serving as Palliative Care Chaplain Michelle Co-facilitates bereavement support groups. Michelle has been a follower of Joyce Rupp’s work for many years, using the material to help people deepen their relationship with God. She believes that compassion is a cornerstone in her life and enjoys sharing this understanding of compassion with those she meets on the journey of life. Michelle enjoys cooking, reading, quilting, the company of her rescue dogs and spending time with her spouse, Kim.
Mary Dean Pfahler
Mary Dean Pfahler finds joy in facilitating Boundless Compassion retreats and accompanying individuals and groups in spiritual direction and the Spiritual Exercises. The vision of widening the circle of compassion to include all of creation captures her imagination. As a Sister of Notre Dame, she experiences nature as an invitation into the sacred, welcomes working with diverse groups, and prepares meals as an opportunity to create community. Calling on her background in education and pastoral ministry, she is currently an adjunct staff member at Lial Renewal Center in Whitehouse, Ohio. Contact Mary Dean at mdpfahler@sndusa.org.
Mary Jo Pfeifer Wulf
Mary Jo Pfeifer Wulf is a spiritual director and Boundless Compassion facilitator who lives in Ames, IA with her husband. She is energized by the idea that God's dream for the earth is rooted in Compassion for self, others and all creation. In her 40 years of practice as a Mental Health Counselor, she observed over and over the healing power of compassionate presence through listening and loving reflection. Now in her present roles, she finds the principles of Boundless Compassion foundational for personal growth and essential for the transformation of the world and welcomes opportunities to encourage them.
Kevin Pokorny
Kevin Pokorny is semi-retired from his consulting, training, and coaching business of 30 years. He presently is dedicated to bringing compassion, self-compassion, and mindfulness to individuals and businesses by facilitating retreats in these three core areas. He was drawn to Joyce Rupp’s Boundless Compassion program because he believes in the healing power of compassion and mindfulness in people’s lives. Kevin lives in Des Moines, IA and can be reached at kevin@pokornyconsulting.com
Kim Voyle
Kim has been a BCF since 2019. Prior to that she studied Compassionate Mind Training and Compassion Focused Therapy with Dr. Paul Gilbert and Self-compassion with Drs. Chris Germer and Kristen Neff.
Her primary spiritual teacher on the contemplative way is Dr. Jim Finley. Kim currently serves as a spiritual director and is President of Trees for Tigers which supports work in situ for Amur tiger conservation, habitat restoration, and education. She is author of the blog “Contemplative Compassion” where she explores compassion as a way of life. Previously, she worked as a career counselor and as a human resources management consultant. With her husband Rob Voyle, they created the Clergy Leadership Institute and the Appreciative Way offering consulting and training services. Kim’s Ph.D. is in educational psychology and focused on midlife career change.